Dear Marshall,
This is Grammy. I love you so much! I know that you know I do. I am praying very hard, in great detail, for you and your parents! When Grampa read this latest email to me I got right down to pray again. You are a strong boy! You are determined! You trust in the Lord and He will bless you for it! Thank you for the blessing of bringing so many close together in one united effort to plead with our Father in Heaven in your behalf! I am honored to be your grandmother! I feel of your greatness and your integrity. I feel of your strength of soul and your devotion to our Heavenly Father. You are accomplishing a mighty work for the Lord. Well done my wonderful, beautiful Marshall. Know that Every soul on both sides of the veil prays for your success! We are being victorious! Hurrah, hurrah, Hurrah for Israel.

All my love, Grammy
P.S. I am probably going to be able to come see you this week. I am finally getting better. Love you!
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