Marshall!!!! This is Lev! How are you buddy? Long time, no see, my friend! It's been what, like 10+9 months since I've seen you? Everyone's talking about you and showing pictures of you. You're looking good, but different than I remember you. I'm trying to tell everyone that the Marshall I know is big, strong, and always beat me in arm wrestles, but they don't get the telepathy thing yet.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I am super excited to see you again. I will show you all the coolest stuff. Hair pulling, drumming, making funny faces... though you'll probably have it all figured out by the time I see you.
Also, I must say that I'm impressed by your writing skills. My parents love the allusions to scriptures and the sweet details you include in your emails. The email you just sent was so good that both my parents were crying. When you talked about your mommy singing to you, my mom was crying so hard she had to hand the computer to my dad to finish reading. Nicely done! You'll have to teach me all your mad skillz. (That spelling is a New York thing. I'll explain later.)
Take care, cuz! We love you and we're praying for you all the time!
P.S. Isn't technology great?! Writing this email took LITERALLY no effort on my part.
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